Research Services

Research Services

The goal of the College of Arts & Sciences Research Support Team is to encourage faculty to be productive and successful by assisting with sponsored project proposals, providing general research support, and promoting a strong research environment in the college.

The A&S Research Support Team includes: Dr. Giselle Thibaudeau (Munn), Associate Dean for Research; Silas Knox, Senior Contract and Grant Specialist; Jeremy Figgns, Contract and Grant Specialist III; Michia Williams, Business Coordinator; and Sam Kealhofer, Coordinator, Communications & Research Support. (See contacts below.)

Services Provided

External Funding Opportunities

  • Proposal Support for Sponsored Projects (whether OSP is involved or not)
    • Meet with faculty to understand their research goals
    • Identify funding opportunities
    • Review funding agency/sponsor guidelines
    • Develop checklists of required proposal documents
    • Liaison between PIs and the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP)
    • Identify deadlines based on sponsor and OSP 3-day policy
    • Develop project budgets & review non-technical proposal components
    • Assist PIs with accessing online research admin systems (SciENcv, Cayuse, Pivot)
    • Coordinate with external collaborators to prepare proposed subawards
    • Copy editing (time dependent)
    • Prepare Internal Approval Sheets (IAS) and facilitate the approval process

Internal Funding Opportunities

  • Support, assist with, collect, and review ORED internal limited submission proposals
  • Administer A&S-sponsored research awards (shared in weekly events email and A&S website)
    • A&S Strategic Research Initiative funding (e.g., Faculty Seed Funding)
    • Academic Excellence (ACADEX; Faculty travel support)
    • Graduate Student Travel Support (GSTS)
    • Undergraduate Excellence Fund (Undergraduate Research; Study Abroad)

Research Communication

  • Promote and recognize A&S research achievements and events
    • Write articles and news releases for a wide audience
    • Liaison and assist faculty with pitches for The Conversation
    • Create content (e.g., articles, videos, podcasts) for A&S website, social media

A&S Support Team Contacts

Giselle Thibaudeau (Munn)
Associate Dean for Research

Silas Knox
Senior Contract & Grant Specialist

Jeremy Figgins
Contract & Grant Specialist III

Proposal Initiation and Inquiry

Michia Williams
Business Coordinator

Sam Kealhofer
Coordinator, Communications & Research Support