A&S Faculty Teaching Resources


Collaborative Learning Across the Arts & Sciences Series, or CLASS, is a video series to introduce viewers to various best teaching practices. The series will focus on the most common challenges or misconceptions of teachers.

Each video is short because we understand that teachers do not often have time for extended professional development. Videos will include simple, concrete steps for integrating the teaching practice immediately and will be followed by several resources for those who want to explore the topic further.


Teaching Excellence and Motivating Success, or TEAMS, initiative of the College of Arts & Sciences to support faculty as they reflect on and integrate best teaching practices. Each academic year, TEAMS will work with four selected departments to focus on teaching areas that can be improved. For the 2024-25 academic year, TEAMS is working with Chemistry, Communication, Physics, and Classical & Modern Languages and Literatures.

Our approach is not a one-sized-fits-all process. Our work with departments might include focus groups with students or faculty, collaborating on surveys to distribute to students, finding research related to the target focus area to guide change, bringing content pedagogy experts to various departments, and more. We will use this process to help departments explore their chosen focus area and then support them as they work throughout the process to implement and sustain pedagogical changes.

TEAMS leaders are award-winning teachers, recognized by their departments, the college, and beyond. Our goal is to guide faculty from an interdisciplinary lens, facilitating discussions around effective teaching and guiding departments as they work to identify a teaching-related focus area.

Meet Your TEAMS Leaders

Kelly Moser Headshot

Kelly Moser

Kelly M. Moser, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Spanish and World Language Education in the Department of Classical & Modern Languages and Literatures. She teaches undergraduate Spanish and courses in language pedagogy. Moser’s research explores teacher identity and cognition, particularly how these intersect and influence teachers’ practices. Moser was awarded the College Teaching Award (Humanities), the Educator of Excellence Award by the Southern Conference on Language Teaching, and the Mississippi Educator of Excellence Award by the Mississippi Foreign Language Association. She was also a fellow for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Moser is leading the College TEAMS initiative.

Katie Doughty Photo

Katie Doughty

Katie H. Doughty serves as an Assistant Composition Director and Instructor II in the Department of English. She has an MA in English and BS in Secondary Education from Mississippi State University. She helps manage the English Composition Program, evaluates lecturers and GTA’s in composition courses, co-edits textbooks for composition courses, and values her focus on developmental courses, students, and teachers. Since 2009, she has taught a variety of undergraduate courses for MSU, both face-to-face and online, including first-year composition, linguistics, grammar, writing, and EFL (English as a Foreign Language). She regularly participates in professional development opportunities, both locally and nationally, and is a member of the first cohort of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Maroon Academy for Teaching Excellence.

Cody Fondren Photo

Cody Fondren

Cody Fondren in an Instructor I of German and serves as the German Language Coordinator in the Department of Classical & Modern Languages and Literatures. Cody has been teaching at Mississippi State since 2017. He primarily coordinates and teaches the German I through German IV courses, mentors German Graduate Teaching Assistants, and serves on his department’s Outreach and Recruitment committees. He was recognized with the 2022 College of Arts & Sciences Teaching Award in Humanities. He was also part of the first group of Faculty in the Maroon Academy for Teaching Excellence.

Amy Fountain Photo

Amy Fountain

Amy Fountain is an Instructor II in the Department of Communication and has been teaching at Mississippi State University since 1999. She teaches undergraduate courses, both in person and online, in the Communication and Media Studies concentration and serves as the department’s Coordinator of the Internship Program and the Coordinator of Introductory Courses (CO 1003 & 1013). Amy has received the Teaching Award in Social and Behavioral Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences and was the inaugural recipient of the Award for Excellence in Service in the Department of Communication. As a teacher she strives to set high, clear expectations, foster a positive learning environment, make the content relevant, and form connections with and between her students. Amy enjoys taking advantage of professional development opportunities to continually improve her teaching and most recently has been part of the first cohort of the Maroon Academy for Teaching Excellence.

Abigail Good Photo

Abigail Good

Abigail Good is an Instructor I in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. She is involved in service at the college and departmental levels as the Math Domain Coordinator, course coordinator of MA 1313: College Algebra, the curriculum chair for the Math & Stats Mathematics for Teachers courses, and as a member of the Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee. Good has completed multiple Center for Teaching and Learning instructional courses and was a member of the first cohort to complete Maroon Academy for Teaching Excellence. She teaches mainly freshmen level math courses and is dedicated to making complex mathematical concepts accessible and engaging. She combines lectures with active-learning strategies to create an inclusive environment where students feel both challenged and supported.

Evan Kaplan Photo

Evan L. Kaplan

Evan L. Kaplan, PhD, is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences. He has developed and been the Instructor of record for a variety of courses at all levels. He typically teaches four courses (~600-700 students) each fall and spring and an online course during intersessions. Kaplan is chair of the Biological Sciences Undergraduate Committee, and is a member of the Arts & Sciences and University Curriculum Committees, and Robert Holland Faculty Senate. He has been awarded the Natural and Physical Sciences Teaching Award for the College of Arts & Sciences and was an inaugural awardee of the College of Arts & Sciences Professional Development in Teaching Grant.

Matthew Kilpatrick PHoto

Matthew Kilpatrick

Matthew Kilpatrick is an Instructor I in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. He is the course coordinator of MA/ST 2113 Introduction to Statistics. Kilpatrick has taught at MSU for seven years, teaching each introductory math course at least once. His biggest goal is to make all aspects of his class enjoyable and accessible for students of any major or field by relating concepts to situations outside of a classroom. Kilpatrick is a member of the first cohort of MSU’s Maroon Academy for Teaching Excellence.

Emily Stinson

Emily Stinson

Emily Stinson, PhD, is the Director of Composition and an Instructor II in the English Department. She teaches Accelerated and Honors Composition, literature, and creative writing courses. Stinson also trains and supervises Graduate Teaching Assistants in areas such as classroom management, curriculum, assignment design, assessment and feedback, student engagement, and integrating technology. Her teaching philosophy focuses on fostering positive self-efficacy and confidence in students through a nurturing yet challenging classroom environment. By implementing inclusive teaching strategies, engaging students in active learning, and highlighting the importance of metacognition, process, and reflection, Stinson aims to improve student learning outcomes and support students’ overall growth.

Sean Stokes Photo

Sean Stokes

Sean Stokes, PhD, is an Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Chemistry, where he primarily teaches multiple sections of organic chemistry each semester. He is the author of the course books for CH 4513 and 4523 (Organic Chemistry I and II) and has co-authored several lab manuals used within the department. Dr. Stokes has received numerous teaching awards, including from Arts & Sciences and the Shackouls Honors College. His research focuses on developing environmentally friendly metal catalysts for organic transformations, and he also plays a key role in maintaining many instruments in the department.

Bob Swanson Photo

Bob Swanson

Bob Swanson is an Instructor I in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He teaches general-education level physical science courses including PH1013 (Physical Science Survey I), PH1023 (Physical Science Survey II) and PH1063 (Descriptive Astronomy) while also serving as coordinator for all the lab courses taught in the department. Bob prides himself in cultivating an engaging classroom, both in-person and online, and was recognized as the 2017 MSVCC (Mississippi Virtual Community College) “Instructor of the Year.” Always interested in improving his teaching, Bob is also a member of the first cohort of MSU’s Maroon Academy for Teaching Excellence.

Angelle Tanner Photo

Angelle Tanner

Angelle Tanner, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Her primary research interests currently involve using precise radial velocity measurements in the optical and infrared to confirm and characterize planets around active stars. Dr. Tanner is now the Science PI of the NASA Landolt mission. This cubesat will contain a set of calibrated laser beacons to be observed by ground-based telescopes to produce precise stellar absolute flux calibrations. For the past few years, she has been developing a database and web application called the Starchive which will be the most comprehensive stellar archive assembled to date. The web application is designed to be used by students, teachers and researchers.

Benjamin Tkach Photo

Benjamin Tkach

Benjamin Tkach, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration. His research has appeared in numerous academic peer-reviewed and public scholarship outlets. He has received research support from United States Agency for International Development and the Joint Special Operations University, which published two booklets examining technology and disruption in SOF-peculiar environments. His courses examine a variety of international topics. He has participated in several international teaching seminars that examine the application of classroom simulations and teaching in post-truth environments. He has been recognized with the Teaching Award in Social & Behavioral Sciences by the College of Arts and Sciences, Donald Zacharias Early Career Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award, and Outstanding Honors Faculty Mentor Award and Faculty Associate by the Shackouls Honors College.