Graduate Students

Graduate Students

Graduate Students are an integral part of the academic and research missions of Mississippi State University and the College of Arts & Sciences.

The College of Arts & Sciences offers the Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Science (M.S.), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in many areas of the humanities, social and behavioral sciences, and physical and natural sciences.

Graduate Programs

Degrees Offered

Master of Arts in Applied Anthropology


Molly Zuckerman 

Degrees Offered


Joe Emerson

Degrees Offered


Kelly Moser  

Degrees Offered


Dr. Melody Fisher
Graduate Coordinator

Degrees Offered


Shalyn Claggett

Degrees Offered


Michael Brown

Degrees Offered


Andrew Lang

Degrees Offered


Henk Arnoldus

Degrees Offered


Kevin Armstrong

Hillary DeShong

Degrees Offered


Rachel Allison 

Minors & Certificates

Deadlines & Dates

Deadlines & Dates

The deadline for thesis/dissertation and committee acceptance form submission for Dr. Travis’s review and signature shall be one week prior to the library's deadline. The library's deadline can be found in the graduate calendar: 


Formatting templates and standards can be found by following the link below. If you have any questions regarding your formatting or the Library’s submission process, please call 662.325.2170.

Formatting Templates


A&S Graduate Student Travel Support Information

Thesis/Dissertation FAQ

Please e-mail your thesis/dissertation as an attachment (pdf, word) to Dr. Rick Travis (, Dr. Kathleen Sherman-Morris ( and to Ms. Michia Williams ( We no longer accept thesis/dissertations on jump drives or hard copy because of the risk of losing the small drives and papers.

The committee acceptance form needs to include all your committee signatures before it comes to the Dean’s office.

We would prefer that you send your thesis/dissertation and committee acceptance form at the same time, but you can send them separately if you need, as long as everything makes it to our office by the deadline.

We would prefer that the graduate student e-mail their committee acceptance form along with their thesis/dissertation. Students may also hand deliver a printed version of the committee acceptance form for a signature. We understand that some graduate students are not on campus. If you need to have someone else deliver or pick up your committee acceptance form, please let Michia Williams know in advance who will be handling the deliveries (, 662-325-0034). 

Please do not send thesis/dissertation/committee acceptance form through campus mail. We prefer to have a single individual responsible for the paperwork to make sure it does not get lost. 

The version that you intend on sending to the library for initial submission is what should be sent to the College.  Please do not send us your thesis/dissertation before you defend.

If a student has a legitimate need for an extension to the deadline, they should submit a formal request in writing including justification for the request, supported by appropriate departmental signatures. These requests should be sent to ( and

• Extensions to the College of Arts & Sciences’ deadline will be considered on an individual basis as long as the request is made prior to the deadline. Submitting a thesis/dissertation after the deadline may not give the dean enough time to read the document and may therefore cause the student to miss the library deadline. The dean will not sign a thesis or dissertation without review. When there are extenuating circumstances that will prevent the student from meeting the College deadline for thesis/dissertation review, the student should submit a letter requesting an extension that includes a justification for the request. The major professor/committee chair and the Graduate Coordinator must sign the letter in support of the request. This should be submitted as soon as the student anticipates needing an extension and must be submitted prior to the College deadline. 

• For late submission of documents to the Office of Thesis and Dissertation Format Review, see the Standards for Preparing Theses and Dissertations for current guidelines. This also requires a formal request for an extension. 

• The same written request may be used if the student will miss both deadlines, but the decision to extend the deadline will be made separately by the College (for an extension of the college deadline) or the Graduate School (for an extension of the initial library deadline).   

Graduate School Resources