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Mike Brown
Field: Climatology, Geography, Geosciences, Meteorology
Topics: storms, tornadoes, weather, climate
Bio / Description:Dr. Mike Brown is the state climatologist for Mississippi and a professor of meteorology/climatology in the Department of Geosciences. His research interests include land-surface-atmosphere interactions and severe local storms, public perception of warnings, tornado damage paths and enhanced convection, lightning probabilities at NCAA stadiums, and thermodynamic characteristics of severe…
Robert Swanson
Field: Physics , Meteorology
Topics: weather, physics , space
Bio / Description:Robert Swanson is an Instructor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Mississippi State University. He writes and performs children’s music about weather and astronomy for school and library groups. In an effort to teach science in an innovative and interesting way, Bob combines his passions for both science and music. A self-trained musician who plays guitar, harmonica,…