Minor Requirements
18 Total Hours
Undergraduate students may earn a Social Justice Studies minor by completing 18 credits of course work covering multiple disciplines across the four areas listed below.
* Indicates applied or community-engaged learning course. Students must take at least one community-engaged learning course in addition to the Capstone to fulfill minor requirements. Students may petition the minor advisor to count courses not on this list as appropriate.
Only 9 hours from a single department may be counted toward the minor.
At least 12 hours must be 3000-4000 level.
Introduction to Social Justice Studies
3 Hours
GS/SO/SJ 1303 - Introduction to Social Studies is a 3 hour lecture, introductory examination of contemporary justice realities in order to understand the dynamics of oppression; linking competing theories of social justice to hierarchies grounded in race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, class, and sexuality, and to particular strategies for social transformation and change.
Causes and Consequences of Social Injustice
6 Hours
Students are required to complete 6 credits of course work in the Causes and Consequences of Social Justice discipline. Please see the complete listing of available courses below.
- AAS 1103 - Introduction to African American Studies
- AAS/HI 3013 - African American History
- AAS/HI 3023 - African American History since 1865
- AAS/SO/CRM 3353 - Race, Crime and Justice
- AAS/HI 4363 - African-American History and Culture
- AAS/AN/SO 2203 - Introduction to Race and Ethnicity
- AAS 4643 - Race and the Media
- AN/SO 4173 - Environment and Society
- AN 4323 - Plagues and People
- AN 4333 - Anthropology of Violence
- CO 4323 - Mass Media and Society
- CO/SO/AAS 4643 - Race and Media
- CRM 2003 - Crime, Justice, and Inequality
- CRM 3363 - Globalization and Crime
- CRM 3503 - Violence in the United States
- CRM 4253 - White Collar and Elite Deviance
- CRM/SO 4523 - Law and Society
- CRM/SO 4233 - Juvenile Delinquency
- CRM/SO 4243 - Drugs, Crime and Control
- CRM/SO 4323 - Victimology
- CRM/SO 4343 - Media, Crime and Justice
- EN/AAS 2363 - Introduction to African American Literature
- EN 4333 - Southern Literature
- EN/AAS 4343 - Studies in African American Literature
- EN/AAS 4393 - Postcolonial Literatures and Theory
- GS/AAS/HI 3713 - History of African American Women
- GS/CO 4233 - Gender and Media
- GS/CO 4263 - Gender Communication
- GS/SO/AN 1173 - Introduction to Gender Studies
- GS/PS 3033 - Gender and Politics
- GS 3343/CRM 3343 - Gender, Crime, and Justice
- GS/EN 3513 - Women and Literature
- GS/SO/EN 4133 - Feminist Theories
- GS 4413/SO 4403 - Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
- GS/SO 4503 - Gender and Work
- GS/SO/SW 4543 - Gender and Food*
- GR 2013 - Human Geography
- GR 4123 - Urban Geography
- GR 4263 - Geographies of the US South
- HI 3333 - Mississippi History
- HI 4273 - Women in American History
- HI 4283 - History of Southern Women
- HI 4293 - History of Gender and Science
- HI 4343 - Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States
- HI 4393 - Rural America
- PHI 3183 - African American Philosophy
- PHI 3313 - Environmental Ethics
- PHI 3173 - Social and Political Philosophy
- PS 4523 - Democracy and Inequality
- PS 4643 - Ethnic Conflict
- PS 4653 - Nationalism
- PSY 3203 - Psychology of Gender Differences
- PSY 4223 - Drug Use and Abuse
- REL 3103 - Religion & U.S. Culture
- REL 3113 - Religions and Environment
- REL 3143 - African American Religious Experience
- SO 1103 - Contemporary Social Problems
- SO 3003 - Social Inequality
- SO 3503 - Violence in the United States
- SO 4273 - Sociology of Education
- SO 4423 - Health and Society
- SO 4703 - Population Problems and Processes
- SW 2303 - Social Welfare Policy I
- SW 2323 - Social Welfare Policy II
- SW 3003 - Social Work with At-Risk Populations
Applied Learning and Social Change
6 Hours
Students are required to complete 6 credits of course work in the Applied Learning and Social Change discipline. Please see the complete listing of available courses below.
Social Justice Minor Capstone*
3 Hours
SJ 4993 - Social Justice Minor Capstone* is a required, 3 hour community-engaged learning course.Students participate in community-engaged learning courses that offer the unique opportunity to meet academic objectives through meaningful community engagement.